This post may seem a little off,

Because it's not often we talk about 24 boxes of powdered sugar.
Or the fact that I have enough vegetable oil to drive to china..

Can you drive to China?
Oh and there is butter...
Probably enough butter to make you as big as China.

Or about the same amount of butter Mrs. Dean adds to her mashed potatoes...
Either way, Big as China.
Which is how I feel after this weekend. No, I didn't just call it quits and say 'Forget This' when it comes to living healthy and add a stick of butter to my morning smoothie...
(Would that even taste good? I dunno, ask Mrs. Dean)
I actually had a purpose to this madness..

A purpose of about 200 cupcakes AND a wedding cake!

And for two days every time I opened my fridge I found this...

THEN, only to shut the fridge, and have the rest of THIS bad boy screaming 'Eat Me Now you Sissy La La!'

No thank you, this carrot taste delicious!
Baby Boo was probably the hardest to contain self control. Every time I turned around , she tried to sneak a snack in here and there..

Like mama' like daughta'
And...Actually to be truthful, I wasn't the least bit tempted to eat every single cupcake..I was too sick from testing batters and frostings, that the thought of sugar made me want to..
Eat a carrot..
And I technically wasn't allowed to since the cupcakes weren't all for me..:)
They were how ever for some really great friends of ours who got married this weekend! I was SO nervous to bake for a wedding..Not something I had ever done!
But I think everything turned out pretty good..

It was one of the most beautiful weddings I had ever seen. Every single touch was handmade and done by the family, or someone that the family was close with.

It made everything very special and very personal.
Even the hubby and I(besides making the cake) got to be apart of the wedding..

Baby Boo's dress was AlMoSt as poofy as the brides...

But she most definitely won the Biggest Flower on the Head prize.
We even got to sit at the 'Big Kids' Table since we were apart of the wedding party...

And to think he is 5 years older than me :)

It was a beautiful day despite the 4 hours of sleep and Frosting tid bits strewed about my bangs.
I am much more relaxed knowing I was able to accomplish such a great task!
As for now I am starting a two week detox tomorrow. I'll give the details more later, but what I can tell you is that Chocolate is NOT included...
I think I just shed a tear..
Also coming up is a no fail no boredom treadmill routine and some great Mama and Baby Workouts, along with a bunch of other random goodies :)
Have a great rest of your weekend my little cupca...
Wait..I am definitely not going to finish that word..
Bleh! Too soon...