What happened to the days when we were kids and all we did was play and run around?
We would ride our bikes, play games, sports, you name it...
We were active.
Then, I guess somewhere in time we grew up. We got jobs, we met boys, we were busy with school, and the term 'play' only happened a couple times of year when we had vacation.
Some of us continued to stay active, working out after classes and jobs, and even keeping active in other recreational activities...but that slowly disappeared when real life hit us smack in the face with families and kids.
Then the time we used to keep active simply went to diaper changing, taking care of kids, and making dinner..
And then before you know if your here:

And those once used often running shoes sit in the corner of the floor...

Alone. Abandoned. Stinky.
And then we do silly things like buy new workout clothes, because we think it will motivate us to get back into the swing of things...

When in reality instead of sweating it out on a nice run outside, it's stuck being worn indoors mopping floors, that are coated in powdered sugar.
Powdered sugar that was used to make 300 of these,

And then this, which has been staring at me in the face all day!

Hubby's Birthday Cake. Peanut Butter Chocolate Ganache Cake to be exact.
Every time I walk by I want to face plant right in and inhale its delicious goodness..
The every day hustle and bustle of life has a way of pushing important priorities to the side because there simply isn't time.
Time to exercise is what I am talking about.
I wasn't always one of those people that would say, "I don't have time to work out."
I would simply think, "Well, make time!"
But now with every day responsibilities, I find myself finally sitting down at 930 at night thinking.."Where did the day go by. I didn't even accomplish half of what I wanted to...
And if there is something I have learned with exercise and being a Mama, is that It's harder to focus on ME when my life/my whole day is spent focusing on everybody else. How can I possibly take time out for me, when I have a million things to get done at home?
If there is one thing you should know it's that Mama=Sacrifice.
Sometimes sacrificing showers, makeup, new clothes, clothes with out Boo Doo Doo, time with your husband, time with friends, meals, exercise...etc..
Sacrificing HouseWives of O.C and staying up until 12 to watch it, just so I can get up in the morning to go work out.
Sacrificing computer time so I can accomplish what really needs to be done, so I can have time to exercise.
Sacrificing for a purpose to make time. Take a look at your life and find where you could make adjustments to fit time in for you. You will be happier, a better mother, a better wife, and a great example to those around you.
BUT...Remember. Some days are better than others..
Some days, your baby or hubby is sick..
Or your baking 200 cupcakes and making a wedding cake for saturday...
And somedays, your Italian Stalion Juice Head Guido of a Hubby is celebrating his 27th birthday...
Sometimes...Exercise may have to be sacrificed...

For cake.
Because, there is nothing wrong with living a little.. :)

Especially when it involves Chocolate and Peanut butter...
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting & Chocolate Ganache
*Chocolate Cake-Recipe HERE. The only difference I made was add 1/4 cup peanut butter into the batter. I then baked accordingly, except dividing batter into 3 different pans, so I would have 3 layers.*
*Peanut Butter Frosting*
1 cup Butter(room temp)
1/2 cup Peanut butter
1 TB Vanilla
3-5 Tb Heavy Whipping Cream
4-5 cups Powdered sugar
1. Beat room temp butter and Peanut butter until Creamy. Add about 4 cups of powdered sugar, vanilla, and 3 TB whipping cream and beat until combined and creamy. Batter will be pretty thick. Add more whipping cream to reach desired consistency. If you think it could use more powdered sugar, go ahead and add it, but u might have to increase the whipping cream.
*Chocolate Ganache*
2 cups Dark chocolate chips
1 cup Heavy whipping Cream
Over a double Broiler, melt chocolate and cream until combined and creamy. Set aside for about an hour.
**Cake Assembly**

1. Start with one layer of cake. Spread some PB frosting to coat top of Layer, then add about 1/4 cup or so of ganache and coat top of frosting. Add second layer of cake, and repeat with frosting and ganache. Add third layer and coat entire cake with peanut butter frosting. Then Drizzle ganache all over cake, then with a spreading spatula, blend ganache with PB frosting, to make a marble looking effect, like so...

Store in cool air tight container. If in the fridge, the ganache will harden like a candy bar.

This cake should probably come with a warning label.
One bite with this cake, and you will most likely go into a foodgasmic coma...

If your anything like me, you will ask Hubby to wish that his birthday could happen once a week, just so we could eat this cake...

He wished for something else...
Sometime I most likely won't share..

Notice that half the cake is missing?
Gym Time anyone?