Today I have not sat.
Not on the couch, nor the floor, or the rocking chair, and definitely not in my bed.
(And if you are wondering if I've gone to the bathroom, that's I think a no...)
I ate my meals standing up while I did the dishes, swept the floor, and fed a baby.
And I'm pretty sure the above sentences are run-on sentences.
Even my grammar doesn't know when to slow down.

One thing I have noticed since Sweet Pea was born is that there is more things to accomplish than ever, and I don't have enough hours in the day to do it. There is always a mess to clean, a dish to put away, and a mouth to feed.
But one thing I'm realizing is come 8:00 at night when the littles are sleeping, and my house is still not as clean as I want it to be....
Is that I've spent more time washing dishes, than reading books to Boo.
I've put toys away again and again, instead of using them to play and interact with Sweet Pea.
I suck.

Ok, that's pretty harsh...But that's how I've been feeling.
Sometimes I feel like I need to do it all. When in reality, I don't...
All I really need to do is be with my kids.
They don't care if the toys are everywhere, in fact they would probably prefer they were.
They aren't upset if there are dishes in the dishwasher, they just want me to sit and play tea party/picnic with them.
And come dinner, they don't want me to hand them the I-Pad so they can be entertained while I cook...
They want to sit on the counter and help, taste each food item, and laugh with Mama.

And in that moment, your child has not only made you proud by trying celery and cashews, but you've done something with dinner time that is very special.
Food is meant to bring people together, and cooking with your kids does exactly that!

Strawberry Basil Chickpea (or Chicken) Salad
2 cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed OR 2 c. shredded cooked chicken OR 1 can chickpeas and 1 c. shredded cooked chicken
1 c. diced strawberries
1/2 c. grapes diced
1/3 c. diced cashews
1-2 stalks celery diced
1/4 c. finely chopped basil
salt and pepper
2-3 strawberries
2 TB. plain hummus
1 TB. balsamic
1 TB. maple syrup
2 TB. mayonnaise (We make homemade) , veganaise, or greek yogurt
1. If using chickpeas, pour them into a bowl and mash up with fork. Toss in the rest of the ingredients.
2. To make the dressing, mash the strawberries with a fork. (I used my hands to mash it really well too.) Whisk in the rest of the ingredients and fold into salad. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Serve in a sandwich, on top of a salad, etc..

To me...
A delicious dinner, a happy family, and a messy house is the BEST way to end any day!

This has been part of a series of post called Little Chickpea Food Wednesday!

Check out other Little Chickpea Food Post:
Banana Pudding
Deconstructed Omelette