The Best Way To Start Your Morning!

  I almost feel silly about posting the following 'recipe', because to some it might seem kind of like, "Well Duh!"


I realized though that this 'idea' wasn't always a 'DUH' thought for me, but more of like a, "Eh, who cares?"

Make sense?

Without trying to sound like an email in your spam inbox, the following is something that has truly helped me loose weight and keep it off. Sadly, I only recently discovered this a few months ago, because like I said before, this didn't seem like THAT big of a deal.


Every morning I've started drinking lemon water. Duh right? We've all heard how starting the day off with Lemon water can boost your metabolism and do many other things, but for some reason I never did it.

A few months ago I caught a nasty cold/flu bug and my throat was KILLING me! I starting drinking warm lemon tea every morning, noon, and night. I noticed that my cravings for, well chocolate (because that's ALL I crave), were minimal and I wasn't always reaching for something 'sweet'. I've learned that sometimes when we think we are hungry, we are really thirsty. But I've always just put carbs & chocolate  in my mouth because I.Love.Food.


This was a life changer for me, despite how 'little' this really is.

SO, what do you do? I fill up a large pitcher in my fridge with lemon slices, juice of a few lemons, and water. I leave it in my fridge and pour myself a glass in the morning. (Sometimes I heat it up, and sometimes I don't.) Then through out the day I'll drink regular water, but if I notice I'm craving something sweet or like a Ding Dong, I pour a glass.

If I really want something sweet, like a Twinkie, I'll add a few drops of liquid stevia to my class. I don't know why, but I really look forward to drinking it sweet. I've been having it as I watch my nightly trash tv...


You can add many other things like mint leaves, cucumbers, fruit cubes, etc., but right now I'm loving just lemons.

It's small and simple changes like these that make a difference in living a healthier lifestyle, honestly.

(But don't worry. I still eat chocolate.Every day.)