Oh my Heavens!! Where do I begin?!
(12 weeks Pregnant. I've grown since then!)
First of all, THANK YOU for all of the love, support, congrats, and sweet wishes from all of you! Our little family and this baby bump of mine feel so loved! I feel so blessed in so many ways!
When my second little girl was born, I vowed right there on the hospital table that I wasn't going to do it ever again. Not because I didn't love babies, but because that pregnancy/labor was so hard I swore to myself and everyone around me that we were done.
I gave away ALL...yes all...of my baby stuff. (Minus a few memorable items.) I was content with my decision and moved on with life as a mom of two little divas.
But then...
I saw a baby.
Seriously, that was all it took. Our neighbor had a baby and all of the sudden I had baby fever. I felt that there was another little angel in our life that needed to be with our family. I told my husband about it and he looked at me shocked and confused each time. Yes, there were multiple times we talked about babies. Finally, at one moment, we both felt it was right and well...I don't need to explain more do I?
So far, this pregnancy has been INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT and similar all the same. (Which is why we were convinced it was a boy....)
With each of my pregnancies, I always know immediately. It's a weird thing to explain, but I just always know. This one started out incredibly easy, to the point where I started to disbelieve what the FOUR pregnancy test were telling me. I had NO symptoms...Not one. Usually I'll have a few right off the bat, but this time I had nothing.
Don't worry...they showed up.
Around week 8 it hit me.
Nauseousness. Throwing up Every.Dang.Day. (Still pretty much am.). Headaches, fatigue, and did I mention my hate towards food?! This has been pretty similar with both my pregnancies, but food does not sound good. The look, texture, feel, smell, anything will turn me off. EVEN CHOCOLATE!!!! Some days I can stomach a certain food, and some days I can't. It has made things difficult because I feel like I'm not getting all the nutrients I need. I wish I was being dramatic, because let's be honest, I usually am...
But I swear the other day I bit into a carrot that didn't taste so good, I went to spit it out, and the act of well...doing that...made me loose my lunch. I also heated up soup in the microwave, and that did it for me too...I'm hoping the further along I get, the better I can eat. I really do miss food...
As for my exercise, the beginning of my pregnancy when I felt amazing, I was kicking butt. As soon as the vomiting started, my exercise pretty much stopped. It was hard feeling like I was in a car 24/7, loosing the food I did eat, and taking care of two very active girls. It's gotten a bit easier since then, so I've been taking it slow with my stationary bike and walks. If there is one thing I've learned in pregnancy, it's that exercise makes pregnancy and labor definitely easier, but pushing your self is never a smart thing. Just do the best you can, even if it's slow. Any movement is good.
I also nap pretty much every day, especially when I felt car sick. My laundry is rarely done, the dishes are pilled high, and my kids lived off TV and macaroni and cheese for a while as a laid down for the majority of my day. My poor husband came home to quite the scene every day from work. Luckily he loves me OH SO MUCH, so it was all good ;)!
I have to add that I know pregnancy in general can be a sensitive subject to others, especially those who have struggled with loss and infertility. It's hard to say this but a majority of my friends are suffering from these problems, and it's a horrible struggle to go through. I am so grateful for each one of these people in my life, they have been such amazing women to my daughters by loving, teaching, playing, and caring for them. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to do the things I am able to do, but please know that with those that struggle my heart is always with you! We are all mothers in our own way, whether we bare children or not, I truly believe that.
Thank you again friends for your love & support! I plan to do a series of post of the foods I HAVE been craving, and what I've done to make them more healthier! (For example, a ranch salad...Sounds so good right now!)
Love you all!!