From the second I laid eyes on my dear Baby Boo, I imagined the fun times that us girls would do.

At just an early age she was covered with bows...
Poofy tutu's and hair flowers that reached to her nose.

Lots of pictures, playing dress up, and even tea parties.
Tons of laughter, hugs, and kisses and singing songs-What a smarty!

Although it's quite fancy that her life is surrounded in pink,
She still finds the time to make our hearts sink.
With cuddles an snuggles up to daddy each night,
He's wrapped around her little finger oh so very tight.

And now, almost two years later we are adding one more.
A sibling for Boo, and more snuggles galore.
We couldn't be happier, whether it's a boy or a girl...
Just as long as it's healthy and falls asleep in a whirl.

Now the day has arrived where we reveal the little one's gender,
And we wanted to announce in a way with much splendor!
I made cupcakes, of coarse, with a secret message inside...

The color in the middle will release joyful cries!


Do you know what this means?
More pink bows, more dresses, matching outfits, and ballet...
(Or as the hubby sees it...)
Two weddings, two proms, meeting boyfriends..He better start to pray.
Either way that you see it, it's the greatest blessing non the less.
Are we happy, are we grateful, are we healthy...And the answer is YES!!
Thank you everybody for your sweet e-mails, comments, notes, support, etc!! We appreciate each and everyone of you, and are so glad to share this monumental time in our lives with you!
We can't wait for you to meet Baby Loo!! :-)