Trash TV Workout Series: Booty

There are numerous moments during the day where it hits me... "When is the last time I sat down?? "


Despite always being on my feet cleaning, picking up, moving, cuddling, tickling, chasing, etc., I know how easy it is to let 'mom time' get pushed to the side. Even trying to squeeze in a workout video is tough, when one is clinging to your leg, and the other just had a bathroom accident on the floor...It's freakin' nuts! In a good way :).

I've talked a lot about my unhealthy addiction to trash TV, and how I hate admitting I know way too much about every single Real Housewife, but I just.can't.look.away. I know I'm not alone in this, don't lie!! We all know there are a handful of you out there who couldn't be more excited that Juan Pablo is the next Bachelor and we just can't wait to make matching Team Juan Pablo shirts...Am I right??

So whether you are watching Trash TV or playing toys on the floor with your kids, why not squeeze in a little extra workout?! Nothing too crazy, but just enough to get those muscles toned, along with kickin' a few extra calories to the curb!

Today's first Trash TV is all about BOOTIES! (Unless you are Boo. Then it's all about Boobies...)

(Side note: Filming this took months of convincing myself, but I finally gave in! It's not perfect, and the lighting is horrible, but you can still get a great little workout in!)

And in honor of today's FIRST workout video, I have a fabulous giveaway for all of my lovely readers!

Sometime back, Eleven by Venus Williams sent me some fun workout gear! (The shirt I'm wearing in the video is one of them, similar to this one HERE.) I knew I had to share something with you guys for being so amazing, so I'll be giving away a pair of these light blue workout leggings! 

Screen shot 2013-12-09 at 10.34.12 PM

The size I have would fit SMALL/MEDIUM!

To Enter: 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Good Luck!! xo