Well...It's not happening, but it kind of is. We are merely just discussing and getting comfortable with everything, along with trying to meet the specific potty training demands of our two year old.
She must wear her crown...
and she must have her croc shoes on.
Like, where does she come up with this?
To add to it she's been more clothe-less lately due to the training, and our sweet neighbor so happened to stop on by when my child was bare.
Try talking to a friendly and sweet neighbor who brought over delicious bread while your noonie bum child runs wild getting her nakie bottom on every part of our house. "Come on over anytime! Promise I'll clean and my child will wear clothes next time..."
By the end of the day I'm pretty tired, and i'm this close to laying down those wee wee pads that are used for dogs...
Did I mention I'm a really good mom?
Anyways end of the day means everyone is hungry for something filling, easy, fast, healthy, fast, and fast.
Because by the end of the day I'm...pooped.
Watch the Video for the recipe and details!