I'll never forget my first semester of college.
I was just fresh out of high school, excited to get away from adult supervision, looked forward to never sleeping, and dreamed of sexy college men.
Oh ya..I went there to "study" too. (I promise Dad!!)
I went to school in the middle of Idaho where the sun shines 3 months out of the year and during the other 9 months your nostril hairs freeze when you walk out side. For fun you hike through underground ice caves, snow board down mountains into pools of water, wear approximately 23 pairs of clothing items, and pray that you don't slip and fall while walking to class...
Especially in front of sexy college men.
Although I tried my best not too, I think I stood out like a soar thumb. I was from southern california, used to a fast driving and on a 4 lane highway, always played my music loud enough for the whole city to hear, and on too many occasions wore heels to class..(Mind you I walked in the snow up hill both ways.)
Most people wore black under armor or dark colored thermals, but I brought my spunk with me and walked around in bold and bright patterns...(Most people wear there thermals UnDeR their clothes...)
My sense of style (or lack there of) obviously hasn't changed...
And just when I thought those sexy Idaho farmers wanted nothing to do with my southern california chilled out maxin' out actin' all cool attitude, I found someone who somewhat resembled my similar nature.
This all too well known at school as the 'bad boy' stole my heart.
(For the record..He wanted me...)
And a few nights a week we would sneak off to a quiet park in our little town and play in the snow. At first it started off silly and childish...
But nothing is as it ever seems...
Oh, the red flags...
(Snow in face and messed up makeup=No kissy poo for you!)
And after our snow play/beat down the future hubs and I would make a stop on our way home at the local 7-11. We were classy.
But, it's all our little town had and it made us happy..Because that's what really matters.
Now we are married and back in so cal, and I can't help but dream and wish for snow and a big glass of hot chocolate. And although we have a 7-11 down the street, I'm pretty sure I made one that taste a whole lot better.
Pumpkin Hot Chocolate with Maple Coconut Whipped Cream
Ingredients: (hot chocolate)
(serves two thirst lovers)
2 C. soymilk, coconut milk, almond milk, etc...
1 TB. vanilla
1/4 C. pumpkin puree
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1 TB. cocoa powder
1 TB. maple syrup
1. Combine ingredients in a pot over the stove heated on medium-low. Stir ingredients until completely combined and warmed to desired temperature. (I used a whisk and stirred frequently until the cocoa powder dissolved.)
Maple Coconut Whipped Cream
1 can full fat coconut milk
1-2 TB. maple syrup
1 tsp. vanilla
1. Open your can of coconut milk and cover it with plastic wrap. Stick it in the fridge overnight. The next morning, take the can out of the fridge and spoon out the coconut cream. It will be thick and stiff like whipped cream. Place the cream in a bowl. (JUST the cream, not the water at the bottoms of the can.) Add the rest of the ingredients and beat or whisk until combined. You can use as is on top of milkshakes, pies, hot chocolate etc.., but if you put it back in the fridge for a few hours it hardens again more.
Soul, Heart, and Body warming!
Unless your sweaty because it's still 90 degrees outside, and will most likely be until February...
Then I suggest that you make an extra special version of a Frozen Hot Chocolate!
Or a Frozen Pumpkin Hot Chocolate!!
Simply take your hot chocolate (but actually make sure it's either cold or at least room temp., blend it with ice and there ya have it!
I saved my spoon from the restaurant in Vegas because I've been wanting to recreate it!
(Frozen Hot Chocolate is a 'famous' drink from a restaurant called Serendipity 3 in New York. There is a branch off the original restaurant in Vegas)

Either way you drink it...
It's sure to bring about love. :-)

**RUN over to Sprint to the Table! I have a guest post on their today! Pumpkin Pie Milkshake anyone??!!**