Mom's don't get sick days.
There is no boss for her to call up and say "I won't be coming in today."
She can't lay in bed all day and watch Housewives of Miami, and then wish she had tan legs instead of white unshaved ones.
She most definitely couldn't take the hottest bath that only a dragon could tolerate, thus turning her white hairy legs into bright red, burnt off hairy legs...
And she is quite positive she couldn't take long long naps the point where she doesn't remember where she is or what time it is.
Because, you see...
Mom's just don't get sick days...
That is unless you have a knight in shining armor. One who would much rather spend his day off relaxing and catching up on some zzzz's from his 4 in the morning internship.
Instead, this knight in shining armor teaches your Baby Boo to climb up the stairs..

And this knight in shining armor is more than a teacher, he's a cook as well.
He prepares wonderful meals of applesauce and oatmeal, and airplanes them in to a very picky Baby Boo's mouth..

And that knight in shining armor is also a pleaser.
Because he knows that your Baby Boo doesn't really like foods of any sort, so instead of making matters worse, he gives her what makes her happy..
A dishcloth.

And then the knight will wonder how his Baby Boo is related to his princess...
Because his princess is a major lover of food. In fact the day before his princess got sick she spent the afternoon baking...

...and then consuming leftovers...

Then this knight in shining armor realizes his princess is probably very regretful of her ridiculous amount of sugar consumption, do to the fact she hasn't left the bathroom floor.
But he would never remind her of this..
Because he is also smart...
And as his princess lays upstairs regretting every decision of food consumption in the past year, she thinks about the one thing that def most totally could not have made her sick...because it was too delicous..

Choco Cherry Green Drink
Blended together until smooth: 1 cup coconut milk, 2 cups spinach, 2/3 cup frozen cherries, 1 frozen banana, chocolate protein powder, and ice.
And then as the evening comes to an end, and that mom's sick day seems to have a light at the end of the tunnel, she kisses her knight in shining armor thanking him for saving her from a day of added stress and misery.
And when she looks into his eyes that knight in shining armor will no longer have a "shine" about him, but a mere "Pale" look. That mom will ask him what's wrong, and that "Pale" prince will look at his princess and say...
"Sorry my princess, but I am not going to be able to come in today...
I'm calling in sick"